This book contains almost 100 pages of information, exercises and meditations, some of which are designed to
be used in an altered state of consciousness. The Hemi-Sync® Meditation CD is recommended for that use.
For delivery within the US, the total prices including postage are:
1 Traversing the Infinite Now $14.00
2 Traversing the Infinite Now $24.00
3 Traversing the Infinite Now $33.00
I no longer carry the Hemi-Sync Meditation CD. I still highly recommend it for general journey work and getting into
an altered state of consciousness! If you would like to purchase the mp3 download, click here.
CATNAPPER--Catch up on many hours of missed sleep with this guided journey from Robert Monroe himself.
SHAMANIC JOURNEY RATTLE--Achieve an altered state of consciousness with shamanic theta rattling
1 Catnapper CD $18.00
1 Shamanic Journey Rattle CD $15.00
Discounted price for both Catnapper and Shamanic Journey Rattle together $29.00
IF YOU ARE ORDERING FROM OUTSIDE THE US, please contact me at for ordering instructions before remitting payment. There is always an extra charge for international postage.
Thank you, Carla Fox